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A psychotherapist specializing in the treatment of stress and trauma, the focus of my private practice is providing individual therapy to adults. Experienced in treating adults, caregivers, and children, I use relevant skills and techniques to relieve stress and trauma responses which can occur over the course of development, life stages and transitions. Drawing from an informational and experiential knowledge base, I offer support to individuals in the helping and caregiving professions to cope with symptoms of vicarious trauma. I practice therapy inclusively and collaboratively with a diversity of people across New York City.

My understanding of the impacts of stress and trauma as well as pathways to restoration and healing are above all informed by people I’ve been privileged to work with either directly affected or affected as a caregiver, partner, family member, friend, or otherwise. It is with deep regard I respect the journey to healing and the courage, strength, creativity, and resilience inherent within the process.       

I am a New York State licensed clinical social worker and graduate of the post master’s program in advanced clinical social work and trauma treatment at Hunter College. Trained in Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy at Hunter College and in Sensorimotor Psychotherapy at the Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute, I am also trained in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction and SIFI certified by New York University Silver School of Social Work.  

In addition to private practice, I work providing trauma treatment to crime victims, supervisory support to trauma treatment therapists and field instruction to social work students.